Holistic Wellness Books


White Buffalo Publishing


Look for additional Enlightened Little Yogis books to come as well as a teachers curriculum guide to enhance learning!

How to use this book

““I can only Be, who I can Be”
-Laura Kronske

Imagine the joy of having your own life dictionary to reference and share with friends and families for lifetimes. Learning about yourself and being able to pass that knowledge on to your loved ones will be an amazing gift for everyone! This book will serve as a Journal of your life! The book contains approximately 365 pages, so it is possible to start one page every day and have a good start within one year. However, it will not be completed in a day or a week but should take a whole LIFETIME to complete. Do not rush. Enjoy each entry with a laugh or a cry and note the details. What were you feeling, smelling, tasting, seeing or touching? Never think those details are unimportant; imagine describing your first trip to the river so well your ancestors could find the spot you were in and live that same moment as you did. If it comes to your mind, write it down, it may be more important than you thought in the future. Go a step further and use the blank pages to collect photos, brochures, sketches and anything else that matters to you. Dive in with honesty and transparency and create your own story. This book can be passed down to your children to help them understand the family in more depth, to remember forgotten details of your life during times of dementia, memory loss, brain trauma or old age, and to reminisce when needed. Mainly though, this book will be a reference to your life lessons, important memories and moments you want to be able to relive forever. Be true to your heart and soul as you journey the pages of your book! Most of all though, enjoy your life!


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