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Holistic Wellness Coach

Laura kronske is a certified herbalist with a passion for medicinal and Native American herbs. She has been a certified kid’s, family and prenatal yoga teacher for almost 20 years. Over this time, she has studied a broad range of healing modalities including but not limited to Ayurvedic traditions, Feng Shui techniques, moonology manifesting, and any other healing modalities she could find. Laura was born and raised in Montana and has always been fascinated with Native American history, geology and earthing. She believes in the healing powers of the earth and spends most of her time outdoors paddle boarding, snorkeling and spending time on the river. Laura believes that in the end, like the flower of life, everything is connected. She has devoted her life to sharing her findings with others.
To schedule life coach phone calls for 50.00 per session (each session is 30 minutes).

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+1 406 599 5896

I spent my life running from pain. Wondering every time it happened, how it possibly found me again and what I did to deserve it. I would cry and scream and fall to the ground in anguish, never understanding its true purpose. Have you ever felt lost with no hope? Most of us don’t understand the role pain plays in our lives. We are taught that dis-ease, imbalance and malfunctions are only fixable with pills and that pain needs to be ignored and stuffed deep into our soul. Growing up I lived in a family of addicts that suffered every day and I suffered as a result. I used to think, why won’t they just stop? Am I not important enough for them to change and raise me like I thought I deserved? It seemed like such an easy problem to fix yet; decades couldn’t heal their addiction. After studying different healing modalities for all my adult life, I found that pain happens for a reason. Pain is merely a signal to change and grow. After beginning to understand the relationship of universal energies to my energies it began to make more sense. Metaphysically addiction suppresses emotions we don’t want to feel. It was hard for my family because they didn’t want to feel their pain. They could have been addicted to loving themselves instead and balanced their malfunction, but no one ever helped guide them through that. Addiction is related to our root chakra; the conflict is safety vs. stagnation. The balance is to be more diligent of your fear arising and then the more peaceful you will feel. It requires a reconnection to your source energy and anchoring the light from heaven to earth. This is related to family and health and indicates how strong and supported you feel in your family. We can strengthen our chi to nurture and promote growth while using the power of wood, the number 3, and even our Archangel Uriel to balance our energies. We learn how to balance the negative energy that feeds on fear and reflect on how loving and supported we could feel. 

We can drink tea of yarrow, mugwort, sage, basil, motherwort and include spices like horseradish, paprika, cayenne and pepper in our diets to clear the blockages in our root chakra. Understanding how each malfunction relates to each chakra allows us to understand and balance that chakra. I too suffer from addiction. Now, I realize I need to be addicted to loving myself to balance myself and my chakras. I must let the energies flow up and out into the universe where they belong. Each time I feel pain I’m able to love stronger with more compassion and understanding. I realized that pain causes growth. I am now grateful for all my experiences because without them I wouldn’t be me. I also wouldn’t have felt the need to write this book and help others grow. I hope you can find your path and purpose through this book as well!