How To Cleanse And Balance Your chakras


White Buffalo Publishing

What is a Chakra?

“There is a deep wisdom within our flesh, if only we can come to our senses and feel it” -Elizabeth A Behnke

Many times, as I speak of chakras, people have asked me: What is a chakra? It amazes me that people of all ages are unaware of this concept. Chakras have been spoken of for thousands of years in Ayurvedic and different yogic traditions. The word Om (first mentioned in the Upanishads, often said to be the first cosmic sound) has seven vibrational frequencies that are represented in our body, these are the 7 main chakras that we will focus on in his book, but there are also 21 minor and 86 macro chakras, two residing outside the body, for a total of 114 chakras. They represent energy centers that are naked to the normal eye. When operating well they spin smoothly clockwise (spinning clockwise pulls the energy out of our body into the physical world, counterclockwise pulls energy into our bodies from the physical world). Different physical spiritual and metaphysical events in our life may slow, block or even reverse the flow of each energy center. I like to imagine our bodies are like the inside of a clock, with all the gears connected and reliant on the strength and functionality of each brother gear. In Sanskrit the word chakra means “wheel”, which is representative to the spinning energy center. As you see in the picture below the chakras are stacked on top of each other beginning with the red, root chakra at the base of our spine and moving up to the body, like the colors of the rainbow, to our purple crown chakra, just above the top of our head. The name to the left of the chakra is the Sanskrit word that represents each chakra. We will go into more depth on each subject throughout the book, but for now let’s begin by understanding the location and color representation of each chakra.